“The Brain-Based Enneagram challenges ideas you may hold around identity and personality, and does so with curiosity and grace. Lubbe draws together the fields of neuroscience and personality theory beautifully and explains their intersection in plain language that even beginners can understand. There is so much to be explored within the pages of this book!”

“Dr. Jerome Lubbe combines his intriguing work as a neuroscientist with the spiritual work of paying attention to oneself through the Enneagram. I appreciate the way he “upends” the traditional Enneagram in order to invite persons, new or conversant to Enneagram thinking, into a new conversation about where the drives of instinct, intuition, and intellect emerge from the brain and are mapped to the Enneagram.”

“The Brain-Based Enneagram is such a fantastic addition to your Enneagram library! Whether you are just starting out, or whether you are an enneagram vet, this book has great insights on the tool from a neurological perspective. Every page has you saying, “Huh!” as Dr. Lubbe makes new connections that make amazing sense between the ancient tool of the enneagram, newer neurological research and psychology.”
Brain-Based Enneagram Resources
What are your scores for each of the 9 Enneagram numbers?
Neuroscience shows us the best use of the Enneagram is to view it as a wholistic map of your entire neurological wiring. To help you discover your scores in each of the 9 numbers and make sense of what they mean, we created the “Whole Identity Profile” scoring method for the Brain-Based Enneagram.
Brain-Based Enneagram Resources
What are your scores for each of the 9 Enneagram numbers?
Neuroscience shows us the best use of the Enneagram is to view it as a wholistic map of your entire neurological wiring. To help you discover your scores in each of the 9 numbers and make sense of what they mean, we created the “Whole Identity Profile” scoring method for the Brain-Based Enneagram.