“Bringing together his passions and expertise in functional neurology, Biblical storytelling, theology, and a deep understanding of the Enneagram, Dr. Lubbe has put together a self-paced labor of love that moves from ‘high concept’ to practical application and back again.”
Your Brain
You will understand how your thoughts, feelings, and actions are created and how increased self-awareness is your most powerful resource on the path toward greater health and happiness.
Your Personal
Action Plan
You will learn about your brain in action. Not only will you understand the structure and function of your brain, but you will also create a unique and personalized action plan for promoting your own self-care.
Your Brain
You will be equipped with clinically proven brain-based practices you can apply in your everyday life to decrease stress, increase your self-awareness, and optimize your brain function.
6.5 Hours of Video Content
19 Illustrated Sketch Notes
19 Printable PDF Worksheets
Extended Learning Resources
Video 1: Bears and Deadlines
Why do you react the same way to your boss asking you about a deadline as you do to a bear chasing you through the woods? In this video, Dr. Jerome explains the anatomy of the brain-stem and uses the analogy of the bear and the deadline to provide an understanding of how the subconscious brain works.
Video 2: IQ & EQ - Your Whole Brain
You are not simply your right brain or your left brain. You have a whole brain. Here, Dr. Jerome explains the anatomy of the right and left brains and provides an understanding of how the whole brain works together.
Video 3: So What? Why Should I Care?
In the first two videos, Dr. Jerome provided insight into the anatomy of the brain. But why is this essential knowledge? Why should I care? This video answers that question.
Video 4: Human Being Inc: Basic Brain Anatomy
In this video, Dr. Jerome gives us a visual of the anatomy of the brain, using the example of a company, what he calls “Human Being Inc.”, to help us gain a visual understanding of the brain.
Video 1: What is Functional Neurology?
In the first video of Part 2, Dr. Jerome provides a high level view of the discipline of functional neurology, which tells us that we DO have the capacity to change the way our brain functions.
Video 2: The Science of Hope
Did you know hope can rewire your brain? Literally. In this video, Dr. Jerome expands on the conversation around neuroplasticity, showing us that hope is a tangible, measurable experience that happens in the brain.
Video 3: The Four Questions to Increase Self-Awareness
You can’t arrive at a destination without first knowing where you are starting from. Dr. Jerome presents four key questions to help you draw a roadmap of where you are on your journey, where you want to go and more.
Video 4: Identity, Community, and Self-Care
Understanding how our brain functions can give us insight into who we are personally and within community. We can use this understanding to develop strategies around how to care for ourselves.
Video 5: NeuroTheology and the Enneagram: Part 1
In Part 1 of “NeuroTheology and the Enneagram”, Dr. Jerome draws a diagram to present a 30,000 foot view of how neurotheology, neuroanatomy, and neuropsychology intersect in his brain-based model of the Enneagram.
Video 6: NeuroTheology and the Enneagram: Part 2
“What is your number?” is probably the most common question associated with the Enneagram. But in this video, Dr. Jerome continues to show us we are actually not just one number. We are all of them. Also in this video, Dr. Jerome overlays the character traits of the Trinity as they relate to each number on the Enneagram.
Video 7: Practical NeuroTheology: Spirituality and NeuroScience
Do faith and science have to be mutually exclusive? Or can they have a conversation that helps us better understand our experience of the world? In this video, Dr. Jerome presents a framework for seeing science and faith as complementary friends - not binary enemies.
Video 1: Fear and Safety
Simply put, our brain doesn’t know the difference between perception and reality. In Fear and Safety, Dr. Jerome shows us how to help our brain understand We. Are. Okay. - and how this helps us respond well instead of reacting in fear.
Video 2: Mirror Neurons and Love
What does neuroscience say about the idea of love? Actually, it says a lot. In this lesson, Dr. Jerome gives insight into the science of learning to love.
Video 3: Boredom and Imagination
In the age of the smartphone, we’ve largely lost the art of boredom. But did you know boredom is actually essential for developing your brain and your imagination?
Video 4: Pain and Suffering
How do we have a healthy relationship with pain and suffering? Here, Dr. Jerome defines the difference between the two and teaches how we can use what we know about the brain to better manage our experience with both pain and suffering.
Video 5: Faith and Neurochemistry
Faith is the “substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things unseen.” In this video, Dr. Jerome addresses the question: “What is faith, really? And what’s going on in our brain when we practice faith?”
Video 6: The Two Primary Commandments
All major religions are driven by the Golden Rule: “do unto others as you would have them do to you.” Or, as Jesus puts it, “love your neighbor as yourself”. What does God have to say about love, and what is science showing us about it?
Video 7: Dispelling Myths
One of the main goals of these conversations is to dispel myths we are often told both clinically and spiritually, from a neurological perspective as well as a theological one. In this video, Dr. Jerome tackles a few of these myths head on.
Video 1: The Six Basics
Up to this point, we’ve had some incredibly helpful conversations around neuroscience and theology. Now it’s time to learn what we can do to promote self-care and health through six practical applications for our day to day lives.
Video 2: Reframe and Rebound
In this video, Dr. Jerome equips us with some practical ways to use neuropsychology to manage discomfort and pain and to bounce back from setbacks and discouragement.
Video 3: Hopeful, Grateful, Learning
In this final lesson, Dr. Jerome provides us with a practical way to navigate life through a more positive, pragmatic framework: “Hopeful, Grateful, Learning”.
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You want to be a happier, healthier, more successful person. You know you are capable of so much more, but you don’t know how to improve yourself (and self-help isn't helping).
You should know…
By optimizing your brain function, you can improve everything in your life. (Did you know that?) Brain health = Overall health. This course will teach you how your brain works and how best to care for it.
this course is for you
By implementing the practices I teach in this online course, you can become healthier, more productive, more self-aware, and more successful in your relationships, career, and life.