What’s Included
The Brain-Based Enneagram Video Series: Expressions Exclusives!!
When you purchase our Expressions e-Course you gain access to the following videos:
Expressions - A Brain-Based Enneagram Video Series
What is the Whole Identity Profile and How Does it Work?
How to Fill Out YOUR Whole Identity Profile
Brain-Based Expressions of Enneagram 1
Brain-Based Expressions of Enneagram 2
Brain-Based Expressions of Enneagram 3
Brain-Based Expressions of Enneagram 4
Brain-Based Expressions of Enneagram 5
Brain-Based Expressions of Enneagram 6
Brain-Based Expressions of Enneagram 7
Brain-Based Expressions of Enneagram 8
Brain-Based Expressions of Enneagram 9
You will also receive:
Whole Identity Artwork
9 mobile wallpaper options
1 free art print (8 x 10)
The Whole Identity Profile Template & Lifestyle Strategies
The Whole Identity Profile Template
Instructions for Completing Your Own WIP
Lifestyle Strategies for Daily Brain Health
Standard Price = $49
This is exclusive content where you’ll learn how to effectively grow in all 9 numbers of the Enneagram. It’s the perfect supplement to the Brain-Based Enneagram book.
Brain-Based Enneagram Resources
What are your scores for each of the 9 Enneagram numbers?
Neuroscience shows us the best use of the Enneagram is to view it as a holistic map of your entire neurological wiring.
To help you discover your scores in each of the 9 numbers and make sense of what they mean, we created the “Whole Identity Profile”
scoring method for the Brain-Based Enneagram.