
Neurological Rehabilitation

The brain is a complex biological organ of great computational capability that constructs our sensory experiences, regulates our thoughts and emotions, and controls our actions.

Thrive Neuro Health proudly offers our patients personalized neurological rehabilitation for a variety of conditions and disorders.

At Thrive we aim to take a comprehensive approach to not only your evaluation and examination, but also your case history and your clinical interventions. As such, our therapies may include, but are not limited to: vestibular rehabilitation, balance and coordination training, gait rehabilitation, eye-movement exercises, visual-motor therapy, auditory therapy, physical rehabilitation strategies, chiropractic services, and various physiotherapy modalities.

Treatments at Thrive Neuro Health are designed to optimize your neurological function through the principles of neuroplasticity. Our goal is optimal function for life.

What we treat

Neurodevelopmental Differences

Post Concussion Syndrome

Balance Disorders

Movement Disorders

Stroke Rehabilitation

Chronic Pain

Brain Injury/Trauma




Movement Disorders

Neurodegenerative Disorders


Chiropractic Neurology:

Adjustments/manipulations to our joints have been shown to be beneficial for a variety of musculoskeletal complaints, but did you know they are also able to positively impact your brain function? Contemporary research has suggested that the effects of a chiropractic adjustment and other manual therapies are able to provide meaningful change to our central nervous system, including our brain. This research has shown that Chiropractic adjustments are able to change our brain function and communication. The foundational concept of Chiropractic Neurology rests in our understanding that the clinical application of a chiropractic adjustment may impact the nervous system and help improve a patient’s life and well-being.

Balance and Vestibular Rehabilitation:

Movement is the primary system that allows our brain to grow, develop and integrate into every aspect of our experience as human beings. We are professionally trained in current and relevant treatment applications designed to improve your balance, movement, coordination and awareness of space. These systems integrate to create what is known as your vestibular system. Dizziness, vertigo and imbalance are common problem associated with your vestibular system and such issues may result not only in severe impairments but also to secondary psychological problems. Our goal at Thrive is to improve and optimize your movement.

Gait/Walking Rehabilitation:

Walking is nothing more than an incredibly well orchestrated series of falls. When our brains struggle to function at full capacity one of the first signs/symptoms to appear can be seen in our ability to walk without issue. Challenges in our gait/walking can profoundly impact our activities of daily living and create downstream changes in other areas such as: musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, cognition, falls, and much more. As such, our goal at Thrive is to provide you with a comprehensive evaluation of your gait and ensure you are walking with as much confidence and stability as possible.

Visual Motor Integration:

The Neuro Sensory-Motor Integrator is an interactive computerized system that aims to improve your visual abilities and visual-related learning problems. A 50-inch, touch screen monitor and a variety of programs are utilized to create a custom and interactive experience for each patient, The NSI system is used to to assess and optimize hand-eye coordination, visual scanning and tracking, reaction time, as well as auditory and visual memory.

Myofascial (Soft Tissue) Therapies:

Many neurological disorders have direct and indirect consequences to our musculoskeletal system. This can result in a variety of inexplicable body complaints. At Thrive Neuro Health we are trained to provide myofascial therapies and interventions designed to improve the function and utilization of muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, fascia and nerves.

Oculomotor (Visual System) Rehabilitation:

One of the most advanced features of our brain function is our ability to make and maintain eye contact. Our visual system is intricately connected to our movement, balance, coordination, musculoskeletal, cognitive, emotional and even digestive systems. When problems present themselves in our visual system we may not even be aware of their impact. Inaccuracies in our visual system can produce a multitude of issues such as, but not limited to: neck pain, decreased energy, headaches, balance and coordination problems, focus and concentration, changes in reaction time physically, emotionally and mentally, fatigue, and even anxiety. At Thrive we utilize advanced diagnostic equipment and expert clinical observation to create custom-tailored rehabilitation strategies with the goal of improving the baseline function of your visual system.

Memory Training:

Whether you are simply seeking to improve your memory in your personal and professional environments, or desire to as a result of a neurological disorder, Thrive is able to implement a variety of memory exercises in your management plan.

Repetitive Peripheral Somatosensory Stimulation (RPSS):

Repetitive peripheral somatosensory stimulation (RPSS) a unique, low-dose electrical stimulation aimed to activate different areas of the nervous system. RPSS is one of many low-dose electrical stimulation devices used in order to decrease pain, activate or inhibit muscles, and activate specific areas of your nervous system.

Vibrational Therapy:

Thrive Neuro Health utilizes HyperVibe Technology. Whole body vibrational therapy has been shown to stimulate muscles, increase gravitational load, mobilize joints and muscles, as well as rapid heating of joints and muscles. The key to Whole Body Vibration effectiveness is G-force. Hypervibe machines deliver up to 17G’s of G-force which outperforms most leading competitors in the market.

Compliance Based Therapy (Neurodevelopmental Differences):

The approaches utilized at Thrive Neuro Health for our patients with Neurodevelopmental differences are primarily visual and vestibular therapies with a heavy focus on impulse control and compliance. This is accomplished by combining the visual and vestibular therapies with frontal lobe mechanisms designed to gate (reign in) limbic and mesencephalic (midbrain/survival) responses. Therapies often involve increased desensitization techniques as well focus on top-down (cortical to brainstem) control. At Thrive we are able to utilize vestibular rehabilitative therapy (VRT), compliance training, and cognitive behavioral training tools to foster continued brain development and integration.